Let's Talk About Grief With Anne

You've Divorced Why the Need To Grieve When No one Died?

Anne DeButte

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In a way that's true, it was, however, your dreams and hopes for a future life together of happily ever is what's died.  You are grieving a huge loss.  This is one of those disenfranchised griefs no one talks about because they don't know there's a need. You're not well supported and can feel so alone.

You feel as if your heart was ripped out, your emotions are all over the place and so is your behaviour.  You can't settle, you're agitated, your furious, your sad, lonely even. You don't want to just go out and find someone else, you want the person you had.


If you were betrayed and the promise you made to each other was broken, you may feel betrayed and rejected.  Regardless of who was at fault, each of you will need to grieve what was.  It is a much healthier way to deal with your emotions so you can move through and find a new relationship, one that lights you up again, you understand what and who you want to share your life moving forward.

This is a process, that Relationship Rebuilding specialist & Coach.  Diane can support you.  She's been divorced herself so understands the heartache and the many challenges it brings.  She teaches you about yourself, your relationship so you can understand why you need to grieve the old before finding the new. 
To find out more:
Diane Valiquette - Clarity Divorce Centre


if your divorce or breakup has caused you to grieve deeply.  Perhaps there has been a death, job loss or other losses that you haven't grieved and are looking to be dealt with now.  Please know,  you don't have to go through this alone.  Contact me at anne@understandinggrief.com and let's talk

You don't have to grieve alone, as a coach I can help support you. To discover how grief coaching can help you please book a FREE call with me

To access your FREE resource 12 Ways to Heal https://www.understandinggrief.com
Connect with me:

Website: https://www.understandinggrief.com

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